What are types of programming


Programming is the process of designing and building computer software. It involves the creation of programs that enable computers to perform specific tasks or solve particular problems. The field of programming is vast, and there are many different types of programming languages and techniques that can be used to create software. In this article, we will discuss the most common types of programming and the languages used to develop software in each category.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on objects rather than functions. It is a programming technique that combines data structures and functions into a single entity called an object. The primary purpose of OOP is to create reusable code, and it is widely used in software development. Some popular object-oriented programming languages are Java, C++, C#, and Python.

Procedural Programming

Procedural programming is a programming paradigm that uses a step-by-step approach to solve a problem. The programmer breaks down a problem into a series of functions that are executed in a specific order. The primary purpose of procedural programming is to make code easy to read and maintain. Some popular procedural programming languages are C, Fortran, and COBOL.

Functional Programming

Functional programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on the use of functions to solve problems. It is a declarative programming paradigm, meaning that the programmer specifies what needs to be done rather than how it should be done. The primary purpose of functional programming is to create code that is easy to read and maintain. Some popular functional programming languages are Haskell, Lisp, and Scheme.

Scripting Programming

Scripting programming is a type of programming that is used to automate tasks and interact with other software. Scripting languages are interpreted rather than compiled, and they are typically used to write short programs that perform a specific task. Some popular scripting programming languages are JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Perl.

Markup Programming

Markup programming is a type of programming that is used to create documents and web pages. Markup languages use a set of tags and attributes to define the structure and content of a document. Some popular markup languages are HTML, XML, and LaTeX.

Database Programming

Database programming is a type of programming that is used to interact with databases. It involves creating queries and scripts that retrieve and manipulate data stored in a database. Some popular database programming languages are SQL, PL/SQL, and Transact-SQL.

Systems Programming

Systems programming is a type of programming that is used to create operating systems, device drivers, and other low-level software. It involves writing code that interacts with hardware and manages system resources. Some popular systems programming languages are C, C++, and Assembly.

Embedded Programming

Embedded programming is a type of programming that is used to create software for embedded systems. Embedded systems are small devices with limited resources, such as microcontrollers and sensors. Embedded programming involves writing code that is optimized for these devices and that interacts with the physical world. Some popular embedded programming languages are C, C++, and Assembly.


Programming is a vast field, and there are many different types of programming languages and techniques that can be used to create software. In this article, we discussed some of the most common types of programming, including object-oriented programming, procedural programming, functional programming, scripting programming, markup programming, database programming, systems programming, and embedded programming. Each type of programming has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of language and technique will depend on the specific needs of the project.

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